One of the qualities that makes Leite’s Culinaria useful to readers, home cooks, and laptop gastronomes, is interaction. We enjoy hearing from you—your thoughts, your praise, your criticism, your suggestions—and we encourage that through comments. Along with our invitation to you to leave comments comes the responsibility of following some common rules of common decency:
- Rude, abusive, mean, or hurtful comments or opinions are simply not allowed. We understand that you may have strong feelings about a recipe, a post, an author, or an author’s point of view, but we ask that you express it respectfully and thoughtfully. There’s a difference between a healthy disagreement and a rant or a character attack. And realize that people have different experiences of the same food, culture, location, or country. Please respect that.
- Self-serving comments whose sole purpose is to promote another site or writer and not contribute to a profitable dialogue on the site are not allowed. You’re more than welcome to post a link to your blog or site in the appropriate text field, but please also add something of value to your comment.
- Always keep your comments on topic. Irrelevant comments will either be removed or moved to a more appropriate post.
- If you want to share how you’ve personalized a recipe, we—and that includes our readers— are all ears.
- If you like a post, please, tell us why! It helps us to give you more of what you like. A simple, “Wow, this is great!” is certainly flattering, but leaves us clueless.
In short, we invite you to be a part of the LC family. We look forward to a long, chatty relationship.
Note: We reserve the right to edit comments for length and grammar, not to publish comments, or to remove already posted comments at any time without notice.