Creamy Piña Colada with Crushed Pineapple
10 mins
Yvette Marquez-Sharpnack is the co-creator of the food blog Muy Bueno, which was a finalist in the 2014 and 2012 Saveur Best Food Blog Awards, and the co-author of a cookbook by the same name, Muy Bueno. She’s also been featured in Latina magazine, People en Español, and Cosmopolitan for Latinas. She lives in Colorado with her husband and two children. Vianney Rodriguez is a recipe developer and food blogger based in south Texas. Raised by Mexican parents, she explores her culinary heritage on her blog, Sweet Life. Her work has been recognized by NBC Latino and Latina magazine, among other outlets. She resides with her family in Texas. @muybuenocooking @sweetlifebake
10 mins
5 mins