Shortcut Pie Crust
This revolutionary shortcut pie crust recipe, made from just flour, butter, sugar, and salt, dispenses with kneading and rolling. It's ready in just 25 minutes. Easiest pie ever.
25 mins
Griffith and Cheryl Day founded Back in the Day Bakery in Savannah, GA, in 2002. They’re both self-taught bakers: Griff’s interest in baking was piqued by the magical sourdough starter that his mother kept in the kitchen when he was a child, and Cheryl was introduced to the pleasures of the oven by her mother and grandmother. The Back in the Day Bakery Cookbook is their first book and was written to celebrate the bakery’s tenth anniversary. @cherylday @backinthedaybakery
25 mins
10 mins
2 hrs 30 mins