Forgot to Look Both Ways

You know how in Britain they drive on the opposite side of the street than in the States? And how back home we always look to the left for oncoming traffic before crossing? Well, London has clearly had its fair share of befuddled Americans walking into traffic, seeing as it painted helpful suggestions on the pavement as to which way to look at almost every intersection. Earlier today, while crossing the Strand to get to the Courtald Gallery, David unfortunately missed this warning to “look right.” And with David, you can only imagine what happened. So his blog posts will still be published while we’re in London–but on a slightly delayed schedule.

P.S. David made me write this blog entry because he’s embarrassed that he’s already fallen behind on his writing. He’s absolutely, perfectly fine. He just wanted to drum up some sympathy for himself as a way of diverting you from the fact that he’s been a bad blogger. So just play along. Please? For my sake. You have no idea what it’s like being in the same room with him when he’s like this.

The One

About The One

The One, a real estate broker in Manhattan, has been with David for 27 years. (As David likes to say, that’s 64 in straight years.) Despite what many of you probably think, it’s actually The One who does most of the cooking during the week. He prefers Manhattan while David enjoys the country, so they have a Green Acre-type relationship. The One is Eva Gabor to David’s Eddie Albertโ€”without the dresses and diamonds. Or is it?

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  1. Oh my yes, David, I can relate. I am lucky enough to be married to a wonderful Brit and spent 8 charming years living in the UK. My 20-year-old niece was put in my care when she came to work for my husband, and I was terrified the entire year she was there that she would just step out on instinct while looking the other way. Luckily she survived, and all is saved between sisters. But I have yet to confess to the incident of her running and jumping to catch a double decker bus and missing! Just a few scrapes and bruises but terribly wounded pride. So…look both directions and NO running to catch those beautiful red buses. Do enjoy your tour and make a visit to St. John on my behalf.

    1. Colleen, ouch. Ouch. Lord knows if I jumped for a bus, I probably would have run right into the side; I never had a very good sense of aim. Just ask my Little League colleague, Mr. Hibbert. I must ay The One had such a lovely time in your husband’s homeland. We loved it. We loved it so much we’re already planning our trip back.

  2. It’s a terrible thing to be a Type A drama queen, David. But significantly more challenging to travel with one! The One, I’m FedExing the canonization papers to the Vatican right now. Try to relax and have fun, already!

    1. Suzanne, this is exactly what The One doesn’t need: sympathizers and court crashers. With anymore of our traitorous ministrations, and I’ll be dethroned.

  3. This is hysterical. Oh, not your plight, David, but The One has done so well in your stead and I do sympathize with him. I can just imagine you. I am not laughing at you but with you. Are you laughing? I want to hear more from The One.

    1. Donna, darling, I hear your good-natured laugh. Yes, I was all fainting couches and “why-has-the-entire-city-of-London-conspired-to-get-ME” kind of thinking. (There are shades of Mitchell and Cam from “Modern Family” in our relationship to be sure.) The One is so used to my fits of over-dramatizing, he just gives me a patronizing pat on the knee and goes on reading his book. That is–until he almost got flattened by a motorcycle later that same day. Then suddenly there were two of us bemoaning the British travel system, which is older than the United States.