Crème Fraîche Potato Salad

A British take on potato salad that's both simple and sublime, this summery staple draws on the tart richness of crème fraîche and the pucker of lemon.

1 hr 30 mins

Roast Pork Loin with Apples and Onions

This pork loin, with its fennel and garlic rub and apples and onions roasted on the same sheet pan, is about to become your new favorite supper salvation.

1 hr 20 mins

Salmon with Cherry Tomatoes

An impressive impromptu dinner that's done in less than 30 minutes and a cinch to clean up. You're welcome.

20 mins

Lettuce Soup

Never has an overabundance of garden lettuces and herbs been so easily remedied—or made so memorable—as this soup.

45 mins

Watermelon Lemonade

A tangy sweetness that's irresistible to all ages. (Although if you’re looking to make it more grown up, we can help with that, too.)

30 mins

16 Superb Pork Butt Recipes

Pork butt (or pork shoulder) is sumptuously moist and tender, full of flavor, and feeds a crowd. Here are some of our very best butts!

7 mins

Steak Chimichurri

Chimichurri-induced happiness can be yours with this foolproof, fuss-free, Argentine-approved answer to what's for dinner.

2 hrs 50 mins

Homemade Tartar Sauce

Commercial tartar sauce tends to be crammed full of sugar and corn syrup and preservatives. Not this little homemade lovely.

10 mins

Homemade Lemonade

Pucker up, cuz you're going to want to sip the bejeebers out of this ridiculously easy, sweetly tart lemonade. Wowza.

1 hr

Strawberry Ice Cream

The tempered sweetness of this spectacular strawberry ice cream relies on in-season strawberries rather than obscene amounts of sugar for flavor.

4 hrs

Long Margarita

A variation on our favorite Mexican cocktail, this long margarita includes tequila, Cointreau, and lime soda.

5 mins


The customary morning-after equivalent of a Bloody Mary in Mexico—except this is lighter, less tomato-y, and all around lovelier.

5 mins

Squash Blossom Quesadillas

With one taste of these quesadillas, we sighed and said, "Okay, so THAT'S what you're supposed to do with squash blossoms!"

25 mins

19 of Ina Garten’s Best Recipes

Behold, our favorite recipes from pretty much everyone's favorite cookbook author, Ina Garten. Quality food for quality time with your loved ones.

Quick Dill Pickles

Or, as we like to say, quickles. And we mean quick not just in terms of how little time they take to make. But also in terms of how quickly they'll disappear as you're blissing out on them.

1 d 30 mins

Sport Pepper Sauce

A staple down South, these pickled peppers and the hot, hot, hot solution that bathes them have a kick that's as fiesty as it appears.

15 mins