Honey-Ginger Apple Tarts
1 hr 25 mins
Nadine Bonda has loved to cook ever since her first dinner party when she decided to make fritters, got the oil too hot, and flames spread to the curtains. Following that evening, she vowed that her future dinner parties would be memorable for the food, not the mishaps. That said, every time she has friends for dinner, she makes one dish she has never made before. She says that keeps her experimenting with new food ideas.
Nadine has a vast collection of cookbooks and she has read every one cover to cover. She shamelessly asks friends for the recipes of food they serve her that she would like to add to her collection, and she reciprocates by sharing her recipes.
Nadine has been a Leite’s Culinaria tester since 2017 and loves the opportunity to move outside of her comfort zone and try recipes she otherwise might not have.
1 hr 25 mins
4 hrs
50 mins
1 hr 50 mins
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1 hr 30 mins
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1 hr 15 mins
1 hr