Classic Pâte Sucrée

The name of this sweet and sturdy pie crust in French means "so much better than your silly American pastry dough."

10 mins

Whole Roasted Onions

Plonk unpeeled onions on a baking sheet. Shove in oven. Come back later for achingly sweet, tender, mellow oniony goodness. Accept accolades. See how easy that was?

1 hr

Open-Face Egg Salad Sandwich

We know. You already have an egg salad sandwich recipe. But trust us, it's nothing like this one, which is whoppingly old school in taste, blissfully healthful in every other way.

15 mins

Seven-Minute Frosting

Named for the time it takes to be beaten into delicious submission, seven minute frosting is delicate yet sturdy, light as air yet luscious as can be.

10 mins

Pâte Sucrée

This crust recipe from Flour Bakery in Boston is simple to make, buttery beyond belief, and is the perfect pal for rich fillings, as with the Milky Way Tart.

2 hrs 45 mins

Homemade Sriracha Sauce

This traditional and incendiary Thai condiment has incited quite the following. Here's how to save yourself a trip to your local Asian market.

7 d

Basic Polenta

The perfect base for so many dishes, Italian or otherwise. Sprinkle with cheese, top with sauce or meat, drizzle with honey or maple syrup, let it cool and fry it...shall we go on?

30 mins

Meyer Lemon Curd

You may think you're going to gift these little half-pint jars of lemon curd, but who are you kidding? Our money says you'll be lapping it up straight from the jar.

25 mins

Beef Tenderloin with Madeira Sauce

This no-fuss recipe doesn't ambush you with any trickery. It just delivers you a supple, perfectly cooked roast beef tenderloin napped with a slightly boozy but goof-proof sauce.

1 hr 45 mins

Fork-Mashed Potatoes

These fork-mashed spuds are indulgence defined with their easy execution, deceptively rich taste, and lack of bowls and beaters to clean.

30 mins

Creamy Stone-Ground Cheese Grits

This Southern staple amps up stone-ground grits with ample white Cheddar. We think we've found home in these cheese grits.

1 hr 25 mins

Svelte Green Goddess Dip

This evocatively named dip isn't the same as the one of yore. It's got the same sumptuous taste, the same creamy texture, the same luminous color, just not the same calorie count.

1 hr 15 mins

Spaghetti with Raw Tomatoes

Summer at its simplest, not to mention its most splendid. Five minutes of effort yield a meal that rivals round-trip tickets to Italy.

50 mins

Skillet Potatoes for Two

A swift stovetop version of classic pommes Anna, these sliced spuds are swaddled in butter, garlic, and Julia Child's enthusiastic approval.

30 mins

Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is sugar and water that have been simmered to dissolve the sugar. Drizzle it in drinks, ice tea, and lemonade for grit-free sweetening.

10 mins

Fresh Peach Pie

"Best peach pie in the world!" That's what folks are saying about this recipe. We're not going to argue.

1 hr

Katharine Hepburn’s Brownies

Who knew Katharine Hepburn was as agile at baking as acting? These brownies make us think maybe she missed her true calling.

1 hr

Fall-Off-the-Bone Baby Back Ribs

The secret to these knee-wobblingly tender little lovelies? Roast 'em low and slow and then toss 'em on the grill for just a short spell. Which means you don't have to constantly tend a smoker from dawn to dusk.

2 hrs 45 mins