Homemade Caramel Sauce

This simple caramel sauce was made for weeknight cravings that desperately demand scooping something sweet by the spoonful.

20 mins

Chewy Hermit Bars

These chewy hermit bars are a revelation. They're wonderfully spicy, plumped with raisins, and amazingly chewy--even fudge-like.

45 mins

Zanzibar Sesame Bread ~ Mkate Wa Ufuta

We know what you’re thinking. Mkate what?! Yet once you try this unique and chewy, toasty, nutty, densely magnificent sesame flatbread from Zanzibar, you’ll be crooning about it to everyone who’ll listen.

1 hr 30 mins

Apple Coffee Cake

Elegant enough for company, simple enough for every day, and versatile enough for breakfast and midnight snack and pretty much every moment in between.

2 hrs

Easy Jewish Hanukkah Doughnuts

Don't let the name mislead you. These doughnuts are cause for celebration in and of themselves, regardless of one's occasion or denomination.

2 hrs 20 mins

Steak and Quinoa Salad

An exceptionally easy, ridiculously satisfying, and even righteously healthy use for that leftover steak in the fridge. (And yes, there is such a thing as leftover steak...)

1 hr

9 Mashed Potatoes Recipes

Whether you like your mashed spuds sinful or simple, indulgent or vegan, or any combination of the above, we've got what you're wanting.

Easy Skillet Lasagna

Those days when meal planning goes south and weeknight weariness looms, simple salvation can be found in this easy skillet lasagna made with store-bought ravioli.

1 hr

10 Tools You Need for Thanksgiving

First Thanksgiving or somewhere further on, you're still going to need the best tools in the business. Let us show you how to pull it off without a hitch.

Basil Oil

How to put the rest of that bunch of basil languishing in your fridge to lovely use for drizzling, dipping, and dunking.

45 mins

What’s Bell’s Seasoning?

Our very own David Leite demystifies Bell's Seasoning, a Northeast Thanksgiving classic that's taking the rest of the world by surprise.

Sweet Potato Biscuits

These wee biscuits are spectacular just with a smidgen of butter, but slap some ham or turkey on them and woah.

45 mins

Candied Spiced Nuts

These candied nuts are sweet and spicy and the sorta thing that friends demolish in minutes at cocktail parties and holiday gatherings yet talk about for months afterward.

1 hr

Matzohpaloozah: 100 Ideas

Thanks to these 100+ inspired ideas for making matzoh more enticing, perhaps this year Passover won't seem quite long enough.