Banana Bread Granola

"Not too sweet." "Simple and terrific." "Everything a granola should be." That's what folks are saying about this granola.

1 hr

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs. They may seem so simple as to defy a recipe. And yet sometimes a precise technique makes all the difference. Here's how to make the best ones ever.

10 mins

White Chocolate Cupcakes

Fine-crumbed and sparely sweet, these sophisticated little cakes do wonders for white chocolate's tarnished reputation. Confection perfection.

1 hr

Bourbon Syrup

Nothing says, “I love you” as sweetly as bringing your amour breakfast in bed with bourbon syrup on the side.

15 mins

Coconut Candy Bars

These taste like an indulgent mash-up of Mounds candy bars, peanut butter, and graham cracker crumb crust. And chances are you already have everything you need.

45 mins

Potato Bacon Pizza

David Leite embraces his membership in the potato-loving freak camp and regales us with his latest obsession: potato bacon pizza.

1 hr 50 mins

Chocolate Mousse for One

This sophisticated chocolate fix draws on just three ingredients, comes together in minutes, and is satiating beyond belief.

20 mins

English Crumpets

Crumpets with butter. How very English. And how very enticing according to everyone who's tried this authentic homemade version.

1 hr 20 mins

Valentine’s Sugar Cookies

Sure, you could say it with flowers. Although if novelty is what you're after, these sweet little somethings that are crisp at the edges and chewy in the center are the ideal answer.

30 mins

Milky Way Tart

This tart remakes the famous candy bar with its milk chocolate mousse, chocolate curls, and luscious caramel drizzle. And it's surprisingly simple to make.

9 hrs

One-Bowl Mocha Brownies

If you're going to splurge on brownies, you may as well, you know, SPLURGE on brownies. But not in terms of effort or expense. Just taste. These brownies handle it splendidly.

45 mins

Pink Food and Drinks for Valentine’s Day

Ah, pink. The color of flowers, the flush of first love, and of perfectly cooked medium-rare well as several other things that can lead to romantic overtures.

Burrata Cheese with Asparagus

A ridiculously rich, unthinkably creamy kin to mozzarella, burrata brings understated bling to every little thing. Prepare to swoon.

30 mins

Red Wine Onions

Meet your newest weeknight staple for when you want something a little special and impressive. Slightly sweet, deeply flavored, caramelized red onions doused with red wine.

2 hrs

10 Best Chocolate Cake Recipes

While many things say, "I love you," few things do it quite like baking someone a chocolate cake. Here, an array of expressions for your most heartfelt emotions.

Homemade Chicken Strips

"My new go-to chicken strips recipe, thanks to my kids' saying 'These are yummy!'" That's what we're hearing about this weeknight godsend.

25 mins

Steak and Ale Pies

Steak and ale. A classic duo. Though this may be a slightly different format than you're accustomed, it's just as indulgent as a steak and a pint alongside. Maybe more so.

5 hrs

Our 15 Best All-Time Chocolate Recipes

Chocolate can't fix everything in the world. But it sure does a lovely trick of reminding us just how simple happiness can be. Go on and share some love.