Hot Dog on a Baguette

Made with crusty French bread in place of squishy hot dog buns, this dog is reminiscent of what you'll find on the streets of Paris.

10 mins

Bacon Manchego Cheese Burger

We're bringing back fusion cuisine in style with this unabashedly American burger and its Spanish-inspired accoutrements.

30 mins

Classic Beef Meatballs

Know that little ditty about how some poor hungry soul's meatballs were lost when somebody sneezed? It always makes us sad.

1 hr

Barbecue Beef Brisket

Meat. Fire. Smoke. It's been a holy trinity since man first put meat to heat. Understandably so.

16 hrs

Skillet Steak Peperonata

Wanna know how to stretch a single steak into supper for four without seeming skimpy? Your answer awaits.

45 mins

Smoked Coffee Brisket

Behold, one of the most beautiful briskets you'll ever pull off your backyard barbecue. Truly. Here's how.

7 hrs 15 mins

Beef Empanadas

Savory little somethings with a surprise for those of you unfamiliar with the flamboyant flavors of Latin America.

1 hr 50 mins

Meatball Pizza

The traditional Italian approach to pizza is one of restraint. We, uh, sort of took a few liberties with that. Okay. A lot of liberties. We don't hear anyone complaining.

3 hrs 30 mins

Coca-Cola Brisket

This heartachingly tender brisket draws on just four ingredients, including a can of Coca Cola. Tasting is, truly, understanding.

3 hrs 25 mins

Standing Rib Roast with Jus

A sublime yet simple approach to cooking this most impressive roast. Certain to win friends and influence people—not to mention make phenomenal sandwiches the day after.

6 hrs

Nach Waxman’s Beef Brisket

Like a chorus line of Rockettes, tender slices of brisket lean on each other in perfect symmetry and perfect doneness. Here's how to replicate this performance at home.

4 hrs 10 mins

Edna Lewis’s Oven Brisket

Edna Lewis was loved for many reasons. Her spare prose. Her soulful recipes. Her kitchen frugality. Her endless wisdom. All attributes that are apparent in her famous brisket.

3 hrs 15 mins

Beef Tenderloin with Madeira Sauce

This no-fuss recipe doesn't ambush you with any trickery. It just delivers you a supple, perfectly cooked roast beef tenderloin napped with a slightly boozy but goof-proof sauce.

1 hr 45 mins

Barbecued Beef Back Ribs

These barbecued beef back ribs are robustly meaty, modestly spicy, knee-wobblingly tender, and ridiculously easy. And a rub that's so good you might not want any sauce.

4 hrs 35 mins

Chili-Cheddar Burger

This compelling chili and Cheddar burger is what it is. No apologies. Simply wrap your hands around the messy spectacularness and settle in for the real deal.

25 mins

Grilled Porterhouse Steak

Impressive yet easy to make and arguably the best way to make a porterhouse steak at home. And no setting off the fire alarm. Here's how.

45 mins