Banana Muffins

If something looks like banana bread and tastes like banana bread, chances are it's banana bread. Unless it's these cute little banana muffins that are crammed full of chocolate and coconut.

45 mins

Seven-Minute Frosting

Named for the time it takes to be beaten into delicious submission, seven minute frosting is delicate yet sturdy, light as air yet luscious as can be.

10 mins

Margarita Granita

No mere cocktail and not just dessert, this margarita granita falls somewhere blissfully, intoxicatingly in between. Yet is still as satisfying as if you'd had both.

11 hrs

Cherry Tomato Confit

This cherry tomato confit is sweet and easy and a lovely way of preserving summer. Here's how to make it.

1 hr 15 mins

Classic Pâte Sucrée

The name of this sweet and sturdy pie crust in French means "so much better than your silly American pastry dough."

10 mins

Gluten-Free Banana Bread

All the usual suspects—butter, sugar, eggs, nuts, and, natch, bananas–are here, save for gluten. And we were so tempted by the resulting taste and texture, we didn’t even miss it.

1 hr 30 mins

Portuguese Almond Torte ~ Bolo de Amêndoa

Dense and rich, this gluten-free cake is a fave among the Portuguese, and anyone who's ever tried it. Its unforgettable taste comes from almonds, lemon, cinnamon, and vanilla.

1 hr 15 mins

Homemade Cherry Liqueur

The only real trick to this stiff summery sensation is resisting the temptation to snitch a swig before it's time.

2 d

Sweet Potato Puddings

We’re been foregoing the classic sweet potato casserole for these lovely and sweetly satisfying puddings instead.

2 hrs

Coconut Crème Brûlée Tart

This luscious, silken, subtly flavored coconut tart is topped with a delicate burnt-sugar crust borrowed from crème brûlée, that shatters when sliced.

3 hrs 45 mins

Grilled Artichokes

Simple and stunning. That's what we expect outta any side that we pull off the grill. These artichokes deliver all that—and then some.

1 hr 40 mins

Four Cheese Macaroni and Cheese

Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. Witness this macaroni and cheese with fontina, Gorgonzola, pecorino, and Parmesan.

1 hr 30 mins

10 Pound Cake Recipes

Because sometimes you want cake that's dense as can be with richness, butteriness, and as much flavor per square inch as feasible. These are exactly that.

Mac and Cheese Canapés

Fancy schmancy mac and cheese canapés? Why not? Plop these lovelies on a silver platter alongside flutes of Champagne or tuck them into a lunch box.

40 mins

Cinnamon Toast Bars

Just like cinnamon toast. Except better. Your kids will worship you. So will your inner kid.

45 mins