Hot Brown Sandwich

An easy and iconic excuse to smother leftover turkey with bacon and a bubbling hot cheese sauce. Maybe Thanksgiving should come more than once a year.

25 mins

Thanksgiving Leftovers Muffins

Holiday leftovers put to magnificent use! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy are layered in muffin tins to transform your day-after-Thankgiving-clean-out-your-fridge experience. Leftover cranberry sauce on the side optional.

1 hr

Sweet Potato Biscuits

These wee biscuits are spectacular just with a smidgen of butter, but slap some ham or turkey on them and woah.

45 mins

Apple Cranberry Sauce

Apple cranberry sauce. Not quite as American as apple pie. Not until you taste this version, that is. Sweetly tart and superbly lovely with turkey and pork and so, so much more.

1 hr

14 Best Thanksgiving Recipes

There's a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. And a lot of those things can't be put into words. Here, some of our favorite ways to give thanks.

8 Meatball Recipes

There's more than one way to make meatballs. And no, they're not all on top of spaghetti or covered with cheese. (Though some certainly are!)

Our 5 Best Skewer Recipes

Let's not mince words here—food on sticks is awesome. We all know it, so grab some skewers and start lining up stuff to grill, roast, toast, and otherwise enjoy.

3 hrs 30 mins

Herbed Bread and Celery Stuffing

A classic. Bread stuffing filled with celery, onion, thyme, basil, and parsley that's synonymous with Thanksgiving (though honestly, it's equally welcome any time with roast chicken).

50 mins

10 Tools You Need for Thanksgiving

First Thanksgiving or somewhere further on, you're still going to need the best tools in the business. Let us show you how to pull it off without a hitch.