Homemade Pastrami

Pastrami. We consider it the other corned beef. We also consider it darn easy to make it yourself.

5 d 7 hrs

Slow Cooker Chicken Stock

Making stock from scratch was never difficult. And it just became even easier thanks to this simple yet perfect slow cooker approach.

12 hrs

Kale Chips

Potato chip fiends, stop your scoffing. We double-dog dare you to make a batch and stop at just one.

30 mins

One-Pot Cocoa Brownies

"Could not have been easier.” “Perfect." "A one-pot wonder!" That's what folks are saying about these super simple brownies that toe the line between cakey and fudgy.

55 mins

How to Make Cinnamon Sugar

Yes, a recipe for cinnamon sugar. Because ‪‎so often life leaves us wanting to be a kid again. And this proportion of cinnamon to sugar is the bomb.

5 mins

Classic Homemade Bagels

No more excuses about how there's a dearth of decent bagels in your neighborhood. Nope. Not when you can make these.

13 hrs 15 mins

Microwave Chicken Stock

That's right. Chicken stock or broth in the microwave. Easy. Inexpensive. And done in 10 minutes. Wowsa, right?!

10 mins

Black-Eyed Pea Stew

This classic brings good luck to all who partake on New Year's Day. Or so says Southern tradition. We can't vouch for that, but we can vouch for it's ability to bring sated appetites.

2 hrs 45 mins

Chocolate Babka

Babkalicious! Best babka ever! Holy Cow! Holy Babka! Those are just some of the responses we're hearing 'bout this indulgent loaf of buttery, chocolatey, Jewishy goodness.

4 hrs

Pepper and Egg Sandwich

Just like mom made. That's what we're hearing from folks who grew up hoovering this classic, quick, easy, cheap Italian staple any and all times of day.

30 mins

Roast Chicken Stock

Sure, made-from-scratch stock like grandma used to make is frugal beyond belief. But wait till you see what it does for your cooking.

6 hrs

Tabasco Chicken Wings

What's so special about these wings? You sorta gotta experience them to understand.

2 hrs 30 mins

Chicken Yakitori with Honey Sauce

Japanese grilling at its sweetest--and simplest, with just a quick turn over the coals and a happy little sauce of soy, sake, honey, and ginger for dipping and drizzling.

30 mins

Roast Chicken with Citrus

The words "orange chicken" used to make us think of gloppy Chinese takeout—until we tried this orange chicken.

2 hrs 40 mins

Homemade Hummus

Let's get clear about what hummus is and what it ain't. Real hummus tastes like nothing but hummus. Not fancy. Just perfect.

1 hr

Apple Cider Vinaigrette

This slightly sweet, subtly tangy, entirely apple-y vinaigrette recipe is going to come in far more handy than you can ever imagine.

5 mins

Easy Fruit Sorbet

Couldn't be easier. Simply freeze puréed fruit, water, and sugar and you have sorbet. Any-flavor-you-want fruit sorbet. Best part? No ice cream maker required.

3 hrs

Vanilla Wafer Banana Pudding

Not a lot has changed since you last had this after-school classic. It's still easy. It's still quick. And it's still gosh darned comforting as heck.

30 mins